Friday 30 March 2018

Speaking Slowly Will It Improve Communication Skills?

So tomorrow I am going to an ex student's wedding in Auckland. This means we have to travel to Auckland.

The Experiment

I am going to see if I am going to be listened to more if I speak more slowly. I tend to speak average. Not too fast nor  too slowly. But I will speak much more slowly to help my anxiety levels.

I will let you know how I go.p

Wish me luck.

So the update. It's been two days.  The only times speaking slowly helped was with my darling husband. He didn't ask me three times what I was saying. Low and behold he got it first time round. A slight relief.  Only slight though. He's often annoying because he asks me to repeat 16357 times until my lips drop off. 

I was pretty useless with keeping  up the speaking slowly experiment, throughout this weekend.  I guess I speak somewhat fast normally. 

I'll give it a good whirl tonight at the restaurant and movie theatre. Fingers crossed.